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The Gift of Infinity

Writer's picture: john partridgejohn partridge

Part of developing a good number sense, is also taking the time to stretch our students minds towards the concept of infinity. While we can never count to infinity, God Himself uses the concept of it to inspire awe and worship in His creatures. Consider first the Biblical account of God and Abraham and the promise...

Gen. 15:5 And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

The point God is making here is that, "Abraham, I am going to do an amazing work. One that you cannot comprehend. Try to count the stars. You cannot. So are my ways and my works. You cannot comprehend those either."

Even though Abraham cannot count the stars, for they are too numerous for him, God still gives him the goal of trying. Infinity is a gift. Its unreachable-ness awes us and makes us wonder. It puts us into a proper place to worship He to whom nothing is impossible.

Consider again what the Psalmist says,

Psa. 36:5 Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds.

Why do we live in a universe that never ends? Because it is an object lesson. The infinitude of the universe represents the steadfast love of the LORD. Just as the heavens have no end, so His lovingkindness knows no bounds.

Psa. 71:19 Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens.

Why do we live in a universe that never ends? Because it is an object lesson. The infinitude of the the universe represents the expanse of the righteousness of the LORD. Just as the heaven have no end, so His righteousness has no limit. Our God is a terribly righteous God.

- John Partridge

December 5th 2018

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