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Mr. Neddlestone and Adding by 10s.

Writer: john partridgejohn partridge

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

I'm very excited right now. I just recently had a 3rd-grade math class invitation that I got to be a part of and it was a lot of fun. The teacher even allowed me to make up a problem on the board for the kids. Today we were learning how to make addition simpler by finding the 10s.

For Example:

3 + 6 + 7 + 4 + 11 + 8 = ?

We find the 10s by seeing that 3 + 7 = 10, and 6 + 4 = 10.

Now we have 10 + 10 + 11 + 8 =

Next 11 = 10 + 1, so now we have: 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 8 = 30 + 9 = 39.

The interesting fact was that not all of the students used the same method, but virtually all got the same answer. In fact, the only acceptable answer to this problem is 39. Therefore while the methods of obtaining 39 are different, and some are easier than others, the answer 39 is still the correct one. The teacher wanted her students to know how to find the 10s because it can make the addition much easier and saves time. This got me thinking about Christ.

"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12

Christ is the answer to the question of salvation and being in a right relationship to God. He is the only answer. There is no other. Yet as I sat there watching the kiddos find the 10s to the problem, I thought how very different the stories are (testimonies) of how God brings someone to Christ. My coming to Christ is different from yours. It was different from the teacher who invited me into their classroom. Yet both of us ended up at the feet of our Savior. Christ Jesus. Different stories, same savior. Different methods of addition, but if done correctly, the same answer is obtained.

So why doesn't everyone find the answer? This made me think a little more.

Some people do not find the answer because they don't really understand the question. Whether it is math class or real life, some people are genuinely confused about how it all works, and its true purpose. Others know the answer but don't like it, therefore, they change the problem, or simply ignore it, hoping it will go away.

That leads us to the story of Mr. Neddlestone.

Mr. Neddlestone does not like the 39. He has always thought it to be a ridiculous number. Just why and how that came to be could be anybody's guess. But regardless of how it came to be, it was so, and Mr. Neddlestone saw no reason to alter his opinion of such a grotesque value. This of course sometimes made life difficult for Mr. Neddlestone.

One day, Mr. Neddlestone was at the store buying groceries, and wouldn't you know it, the total was $39. Mr. Neddlestone tried to negotiate with the clerk for another price, but in the end, he had to buy a stick of gum so that it was another sum. Another time Mr. Neddlestone's water bill was $39 and so he quickly went outside and changed his meter reading so that he could call the water company and complain about it! Now Mr. Neddlestone was even willing to do the wrong thing so that he could avoid the horrendous number 39.

Finally came the day, when Mr. Neddlestone was brought to court on a charge of reckless speeding and he was fined $8000. A police officer caught Mr. Neddlestone going 98 mph in a 45 mph zone. Before Mr. Neddlestone could be pulled over, he ran into someone's mailbox that day. During the trial, it was discovered that Mr. Neddlestone's brakes and accelerator had been tampered with, thus showing that he was truly innocent of the crime. The judge ruled that Mr. Neddlestone was innocent and removed the fine, but ordered that he should still pay for the damaged mailbox. The amount? $39.

Mr. Neddlestone would not pay that amount. His lawyer pleaded with him. The judge sat sternly in his chair looking gravely at Mr. Neddlestone, but Mr. Neddlestone would not pay it. He was found in contempt of court and fined $1000. When Mr. Neddlestone asked the judge why it couldn't be an even $40, the judge simply replied, '$39 was the number I chose.' The gavel rang down on the bench and Mr. Neddlestone was in debt $1000.

The moral of the story: We must pay what the judge has chosen.

The gift of Christ is free to all, but let it also be known that Christ is the gift that God has chosen. We must contend with Him. "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. " Psalm 2:12

John Partridge

December 4th 2019



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