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Comparing Whole Numbers

Writer: john partridgejohn partridge

How can you compare two whole numbers?

You can compare two numbers by using a number line.

Example 1: Compare 78 and 87.

As we go to the left the numbers get less. As we go to the right the numbers get greater.

Write: 78 < 87

Say: "78 is less than 87."

Write: 87 > 78

Say: "87 is greater than 78."

Biblical Integration Component

Ok, so how do we Biblically integrate this? Notice that we have marked off our number line above in units of one. Lets focus on the ages of various patriarchs in the Bible and their decline.

Some of the Biblical Patriarchs

Adam lived: 930 years

Noah lived: 950 years

Shem lived 600 years

Eber lived 464 years

Serug lived 230 years

Isaac lived 180 years

References to these ages can be found at:

Now lets put these ages on a number line and space them about by 100 years.

So what have we done?

  1. We have given our students a way of seeing numbers visually so they can compare numbers and begin to form ideas of "less" and "greater".

  2. Our students can now see the major gaps in ages of the various biblical patriarchs which can lead to more in-depth questions, such as, "why did they begin to die younger?" and "why do we not live that long today?"

  3. We are using whole numbers beyond a text book and keeping things within a Biblical Worldview. We are reinforcing the fact that "These people did exist, and they did live this long at one time in history." Our students can now think about comparing numbers visually on a line, as well as see that the reality of the Bible is reinforced in their learning.

John Partridge

December 14th 2018



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